Being shy is a far cry from social anxiety disorder. Unfortunately, this is not something that we hear acknowledged in society. We are fond of our boot strap approach to solving other people's problems and overcoming other people's challenges. This is a significant barrier in mental health treatment in the United States in how it is provided, how it is covered, and when it is sought. As with so many things society as a whole would benefit from a bit more empathy and a greater comprehension of the struggles others are facing. Social Continue Reading...
A Spectrum Perspective: Being Human
Being Human A Spectrum Perspective I posit that everything about being human occurs on a spectrum and to attempt to cut that spectrum into categories is to attempt to rob humanity of the undeniable beauty of individual uniqueness. Categories assist us in a great many ways. They allow us to organize inordinate amounts of information in our minds, they help us efficiently retrieve information from our memory banks, and they help us communicate effectively. They can work to our detriment as well. Categories allow us to discriminate, Continue Reading...
The OCD Child: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder In Children
Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD) In Children I will write about many disorders that effect both adults and children. This one comes first because it is personal for me. My oldest child and I both have OCD. I recall the concerns that flowed through my mind before the moment of clarity when I realized what was was going on. Once I realized that it was OCD there was some relief in knowing that I understood now, and that I knew how to handle the my case because I too have OCD and could totally understand. At times it is such Continue Reading...
P.A.N.D.A.S. and Child OCD
Pandas are adorable bamboo munching bears. P.A.N.D.A.S. on the other hand is Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections. Not cute. P.A.N.D.A.S. is rare. Really quite rare. However, it exists and it is a thing. This is not like the supposed link between autism and this is studied and verifiable. It has even been recreated in mice. Though it is real and recognizable it is still quite mysterious and while there is significant strength in the hypothesis there remains some Continue Reading...
Treating Child Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a disorder characterized by the experience of: Obsessions: Intrusive, disturbing, recurring intense thoughts or fears Compulsions: Actions taken to reduce the anxiety and distress of the obsessions being experienced. For a more in depth discussion of what Childhood OCD is click here. To take a quiz to help you determine if your child may have OCD click here. Treating Childhood OCD OCD is a disorder that waxes and wanes. There may be periods of time when the child is relatively unphased Continue Reading...
Bad Thought OCD In Children: The Torture of Thought
Bad Thought OCD is an atypical presentation of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. While Bad Thought OCD is not typical OCD it is likely more common than we realize because it goes undiagnosed. In standard Obsessive Compulsive Disorder there are fears/concerns which we call obsessions. Those fears then spark Compulsions, which are actions taken that feel out of control to the person performing them. The purpose of these compulsions is to quiet the angst in the mind that is being caused by the obsessive thoughts. In Bad Thought OCD there Continue Reading...
Quiz: Does My Child Have OCD?
QUIZ: Does My Child Have OCD This quiz is intended to help parents identify if there is sufficient reason to suspect a child may have OCD to seek professional assessment. This quiz does not definitively diagnose OCD. If you think your child may have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder QUIZ Child Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 1. Does the child worry excessively about blood, germs, spit, urine etc? 2. Does the child verbalize a preoccupation with religious, sexual, or aggressive thoughts/fears? 3. Does the child engage in Continue Reading...
Raising, Supporting, and Advocating for a Child With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Raising, Supporting, and Advocating for a Child with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Raising a child with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) brings with it some significant challenges. It can at times be difficult as a parent to provide support and also challenge the child to not disappear into the OCD. If a child is suffering with OCD...meaning that at the moment it is causing emotional distress, interfering with education, sleep, or social pleasure please seek professional help. This is one of the key ways that parents can Continue Reading...
Nightmares Vs. Night Terrors: What to do
Nightmare: A scary or sad dream that results in waking from sleep. Generally a concern to parents because it causes distress and a difficulty returning to sleep. Everyone has dreams that could be classified as nightmares at all ages. Nightmares are not harmful unless they disrupt daytime function or result in significant sleep loss on a recurring basis. VS. Night Terror: Night Terror occurs during sleep. The child partially wakes often with eyes open. During a night terror the child may scream, yell, or mumble. They may kick, Continue Reading...
The Mystery of Dreaming
Here we are in the year 2016. We have mapped our genes and traveled through space, but despite all of our study we still do not fully understand the process and purpose of dreams. What we do know is that we all dream whether we remember them or not. We also know that without the dreaming that occurs in rem sleep we will slowly go mad. Seriously we eventually become psychotic. If a person continues to be deprived of deeper levels of sleep they eventually die. There is one super rare genetic disorder that does just that, fatal Continue Reading...