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Hi there!
My name is Shannon and I am a licensed psychologist. This is true. I have worked with and studied criminals my whole career. I have worked in the foster care system, domestic violence programs, and I have also been a child therapist in this time a well. There is a lot of education and experience behind my perspectives.
That said, this is my personal blog. This is not a research project where I am citing peer reviewed articles in professional journals. What I share here is my opinion. Sometimes it is strongly rooted in data and research at other times it may just be an opinion based on observation and life experience.
I am hopeful that my thoughts, feelings, and ideas reach and benefit people. Not everyone will agree with my perspective on issues discussed here, and that is perfectly appropriate. They are after all opinions. If you disagree I ask that you do so appropriately. If you feel very strongly I encourage you to start a blog on which you can discuss those opinions freely.
What I write here is not intended to replace therapy or direct professional consultation. I make no guarantees about the discussions that occur here or the topics addressed. Please use your own judgment. Please seek professional services if you or a loved one needs help. Please understand that there is no substitute for direct assessment and treatment of any individual.
Any statements or advice given on this site is my own personal opinion. It should not be taken as professional advice. It cannot be viewed as a professional service as there is no patient/therapist relationship established in this context.
Thank you for visiting.
Latest posts by Shannon (see all)
- Social Anxiety: More Than Shy - July 10, 2016
- 3 BIG Reasons To Give Children Specific Meaningful Praise - June 27, 2016
- Protecting Children From Sexual Predators: Safety Without Paranoia - June 6, 2016
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